Monday, November 26, 2007

annoying moms

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Ok, I have never blogged before, honestly even the word doesn't sound all that appealing, but I was annoyed and needed to vent and figured why not go public.
Everyday I take my son to kindergarten (and I get that I don't totally fit in with the suburban housewives-I'm cool with that), but there is a woman that everyday I see her she goes off on a rant about how awful her kids are and how basically rotten motherhood is--blah,blah, whatever. Now I guess I bring this relentless diatribe on myself when I say casually to her, "Hey, how's it goin'?" (I'm really going to have to try harder to stop that), but come on.
I am so tired of listening to people complain about how nobody ever told them it would be so hard, they feel duped. My question is did anyone say it was going to be easy? I mean we're turning out people here, did you really think that everyday was going to be an idyllic Christmas morning?....and has anyone ever had an idyllic Christmas morning? Frankly, I think the generations before us didn't mention parenthood was hard because they assumed we knew.
I am not saying that bad days don't happen, I've had my share, but it is sad to me that for alot of people they have become norm. Jackson used to go to the back door first thing every morning, and no matter what it looked like outside (lighting could have actually been forming the word 'DOOM') and he would say, "Look Mommy, it sure is a beautiful day out." He chose it, it was that easy. I think we need a new perspective, our days are what we make them. There are smoke and fires all around us, and today all I see is a beautiful day.
Preachy and sappy, but I feel better.


Mike Greiner said...

Hey, how's it goin?

yes, you are right. we are a nation of spoiled brats who are surprised by pain and difficulty. I guess all of human history has been no clue to consumers of America that life requires a good deal of work and perseverance!

here's what you do. Say, "Hows it goin?" Then, when she starts to answer, say, "Oh, shut your yap!"

julie hoye said...

I have actually started to instead of asking, "How's it going?", I now say, "Good morning, so what is right in your world?". She still seems to work in some whining, but maybe she'll start to think about what is right in her world.

Bill Hoye said...

"Look Mommy, it sure is a beautiful day out." OK, I'm totally shamed into immediately stopping all complaints about the petty aggravations in life. Thanks for the wake-up call.

Anonymous said...

Julie, I really like this site. I just wanted to let you know. I hope you, mike and the kids are doing well.


Anonymous said...

I think you are an awesome Mom and, person in general. We learn most of our lessons from the kids anyway. I mean, really, if Jackson can see the wonderfulness of the day, then we need to try a little harder. What was that book??? "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten"......
love, Judith