Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Know For Now

I am not thinking productively today. Too much on my mind to add anything new into my head, so I thought maybe I would revisit this whole blog thing in order to make some room. I have been thinking about this past year, and how different it has been, and how much I have learned. The kind of lessons that I thought I was done with. So I have compiled a list of things I know today, that I didn't know last year.

• Secrets eat us alive, no matter how noble we think our reasons for keeping them.

• Regardless of whether I feel like my actions will bring about the end of the world, I am not powerful enough to break the world.

• Change is essential.

• Eggs are most delicious when prepared over easy with a dash of salt.

• One great dream about a friend no longer with us (Bob), reminded me that time wasted with friends is not time wasted.

• There is no phrase more confusing or more welcome in the English language than, "I love you."

• Being kind and respectful is important, even when it's hard.

• Sometimes you have to apologize when you don't want to, or when you think the other person is more wrong than you, and there is no shame in that.

 • It is okay to love someone that doesn't love you back.

• My younger brothers are amazing men and I am so glad to have met them in person.

• People mean well, even if they don't always know how to act well.

• Cuddling on the couch with either of my sons, or my dog, can cure any bad mood. It's practically magic. It will also improve a good mood.

• I have chosen my friends wisely.

• I really like the people my kids are becoming, and am proud to have had a part in it.

• Occasionally, what you thought would kill you is exactly what saves you.

• Things have a way of working out.

So, that's all I have. A little self indulgent, but there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe now I can get something done, although I will probably just find something else to distract me.