Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i hate science

I usually am the one who does all of the school projects with the kids, from building missions, posterboard state maps, family tree cereal boxes, etc. Whatever the school throws at us, I hate it, but I do it anyway. I don't like that my kids get so many projects that I am expected to participate in, I already went to elementary school, and frankly I have other things that I need to get done.

Science fair was supposed to be Mike's turn. I took a stand and said I wasn't going to have anything to do with it(yeah right), but at the time I meant it. It took a while to come up with an experiment that the teacher would approve of, long gone are the days of building volcanos, they have decided to do with any chance that you might learn to enjoy science.

Mike's experiment was complicated, I say Mike's because I don't think Emma even knows exactly what it is yet, although it was turned in today, he was still explaining it to her late last night.

The thing is that I should have stayed out of it, as I had been so determined to do, but I didn't, I caved big. It started when they needed 6 little greenhouses for the project, so okay, I built the greenhouses. They were falling behind time wise, and something had to be done, right?

I kept telling Mike that I would not be spending an entire day working on this because they waited until the last minute to get it done, but that is exactly what happened. I spent about 10 hours yesterday working on it because it was due today, and now I am mad at myself. The worst part is that he knew that if he waited I would do it, it's why he waited, so today I am feeling a little taken advantage of, but I am madder at myself for letting it happen. I should have just left, let her not do well, and make him take some responsibility, because I know as well as anybody that nothing that happens in the 5th grade goes on your 'permanent record'.

I guess I'll have to try and make my stand next year, and there is a bonus, because right now he owes me big and he knows it.


Jess said...

ha! good luck on that stand you're going to take next year...LOL...I'll be rooting for you. Love Jess

Unknown said...

Ah, Jess, I know America loves to root for the underdog but the the victors love a cheer now and then. A small golf clap will suffice.

The Vic Shocker said...

Caved in like a west virginia mine.

Alia said...

Just have to agree with you completely about resenting teachers who expect me to participate in my daughter's projects. It's infuriating. Not only do I feel personally affronted by this expectation, but it bothers me professionally too. I mean, what if a kid has crappy parents? Is he already set up for failure? Or what if the kid has a good single parent who simply doesn't have time to build a greenhouse or six because she's working 3 jobs? What kind of vehicle of opportunity is education, when we make our kids bound by the environment at home?

Grumble grumble....