Tuesday, May 5, 2009

stuff i found in the couch

Finally, the much anticipated, long ago promised, sequel to stuff I found under the couch.

3 pencils, 1 eraser, 1 High School Musical memo pad, 1 advertisement for Beverly Hills Chihuahua, 9 socks (3 Emma's, 1 Katie's, 5 of Jack and Billy), 5 lincoln logs, 6 assorted legos, an index card on which Billy wrote "I do not love you. I like you.", 1 lego astronaut, plastic fire, 1 shiny black rock, a tire to a toy car, a GI Joe arm (could also be star wars, or another action figure, hard to tell from an arm), an Expo pen, several sunflower seeds, 1 quarter, 3 pennies, a variety of candy wrappers, nerds, a gingerbread cookie recipe, vacuum cleaner fan belt, little stuffed rottweiler, something that looked like a pasty (turned out to be a spiderman suction cup), 1 Cars game for a Leapster, a placemat with the solar system on it, 1 pen cap, 1 tag that you aren't supposed to rip off the mattress, and 2 paper airplanes.